Monday, August 19, 2019

Bike S C&O mods

Planning to ride the 184.5 mile Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Towpath trail next year will require lots of cycling training but also some modifications to the 1998 Bike S. Like modifying the Bike X over a past winter to prepare for the 129 mile Death Ride, I have this winter to make adjustments to turn the Bike S mountain bike into an off road touring bike. I can't wait to start the work.

For starters, here's my list of changes I'd like to make:


  1. Cheer up Jim! I am behind you even I can not be physically with you!


Porsche Bike R Coast & Coast Adventure completed

With a bit of luck, last year I was able to buy a well-used 1999 Porsche Bike R. I have wanted a Porsche road bike for sometime, but they ar...