Friday, July 10, 2020

UK Bike S rebuild

My new friend Andy from the UK rebuilt his 1996 Porsche Bike S. He completely rebuilt the forks with new elastomers and total clean up and installed new tires. We have been emailing and comparing notes for a few weeks. It's great to see others keeping their Porsche bicycles in top condition!


  1. Thanks for all the help, Jim. So pleased I did it. Wouldn’t have even tried if I’d not found the blog.

    1. Thanks Andy. Glad the blog was helpful. Enjoy your Porsche Bike S!


Porsche Bike R Coast & Coast Adventure completed

With a bit of luck, last year I was able to buy a well-used 1999 Porsche Bike R. I have wanted a Porsche road bike for sometime, but they ar...